Sunday, August 31, 2014

We Speak The Truth, In Love

We Speak The Truth, In Love

Nonbelievers don’t understand, Our Christian Walk
Question is, are they truly part of Jesus’ Flock
We can tell them The Truth, but if they won’t Believe
They aren’t part of His Flock, and never will Believe

We speak The Truth, in Love, because God Loves Us All
We are to share The Gospel, The Good News with All
Christians don’t have foreknowledge, of who will Believe
We pray that Yet-To-Be-Believers, will receive

The True Message of God’s Love, and Our Redemption
Through The Blood of Jesus Christ, We have Salvation
Knowing that Jesus is Alive, and is God’s Son
He died on The Cross, for the sins of everyone

God raised Him, from the dead, to live forevermore
When Jesus knocked, on Our heart, We opened the door
Jesus Ascended into Heaven, Our High Priest
From the bondage of Our sin, We have been released

Those who fail to Believe, they won’t like the result
Forever separated from God, their own fault
There surely will be crying, and gnashing of teeth
Into the fiery furnace, and darkness beneath

Knowing the Good and bad, things that will transpire
Believing these Truths, is what God does require
Who wouldn’t want the best, for everyone they know
The Bible was written, that in Christ, We follow

We Christians speak The Truth, in Love, to everyone
Christians want YOU to know, the freedom of God’s Son
Please don’t hate or dismiss Us, out of ignorance
The Holy Spirit, through Jesus, gives Us guidance

We can talk to YOU, and YOU may never Believe
Your hindrance may be Satan, who loves to deceive
We are tasked with sharing God’s Word with everyone
Until Jesus Returns, Our Work is never done

©Stan Arney

Nonbelievers biggest complaint, is that Believers force their Faith, on everyone.  This is definitely not the case.  The Love We have for All Mankind, is directly related to Jesus Christ, living within Us.  We shine His Light, through Our actions, and voice.  They just don't understand, We want the very best, for everyone.  We want them to join Us, in Heaven, when the Earth is done.  When evil has been extinguished and removed from God's View, forever.  The alternative, is spending Eternity, away from The Presence of God, where there will be crying and gnashing of teeth.  We want them to spend Forever, in The Presence of God and Jesus, but also with the rest of Us.  Believers who accepted God's Free Gift of Salvation, shall have a personal, literal, relationship, with God and Jesus.  We cannot describe how wonderful, it's going to be, but something more wonderful, and any of Us, can ever dream of.  Don't be offended, if a Nonbeliever rejects YOU, they will either Hear Jesus Voice, or they will not.  The point is, to share The Gospel anyway.

May Our God Bless YOU, in His Mighty Way, today, and every day.  Amen.

From Sheep To Shepherd

From Sheep To Shepherd
A Yet-To-Be-Believer accepts Christ Jesus
Becoming a Believer, with the rest of Us
It’s Our responsibility, to help them grow
There is so much to share, that God wants them to know

The Bible will introduce them, to God’s Mercy
Salvation is just the beginning, and The Key
To unlock the Soul, Our Spirit, for God’s Purpose
God has Good Works, He created for each of Us

Believers are to be, Shepherds of Jesus’ Flock
To lead by example, to walk the Christian Walk
Actions should speak louder, than any spoken word
They will hear, from God, by their prayers, being answered

Through fellowship, with other Believers in Church
Reading The Bible, and doing their own research
Spending time in prayer, with God, pouring out their heart
He showers them with Blessings, a wonderful start

But their Life is not theirs now, God takes Ownership
He will help, in their training of Discipleship
God is now, their First Priority, through His Son
As a Child of God, their Reborn Life has begun

God will reveal more, than many think possible
Battling with sin, will still be a tough struggle
Believers fight against sin, and the deceiver
God will defeat him, We know as a Believer

Until then, All Believers shall spread The Great News
That failure to Believe, they have their Soul to lose
As God’s Children, We want the best for everyone
Sharing The Gospel, about Jesus Christ, God’s Son

From Yet-To-Be-Believer to a Believer
Salvation, through Jesus alone, was their answer
One day, they’ll be prepared, to Shepherd Jesus’ Flock
Someone else will hear, the rapping of Jesus’ knock

©Stan Arney

Once Yet-To-Be-Believers become Believers, they are Children of God, but also Babies in Christ.
They need to be Spiritually fed, with the Milk of The Holy Bible.  As they Spiritually Grow, they
will then need the Meat and Potatoes.  The Meat, is Books or Verses, that they have to contemplate
"chew on", if you will.  Potatoes are to build strength, to turn away from sin, by Walking in Christ.
As they read The Bible, and spend time in prayer with Jesus and God, He will reveal more of Himself
to them.  As they Spiritually Grow, so will their confidence, to boldly speak, The Gospel, The Word
of God.  Then they will step "out of their comfort zone", to become Shepherds of Jesus' Flock.
He will give them Good Works to perform, created and expected of them.  Just because they are
considered Shepherds, doesn't mean they become Pastors.  It is the responsibility of All Believers
to help Shepherd Jesus' Flock, when they are ready, only they themselves, but more importantly
God will know, when they are ready.  The Holy Spirit will work, through them, and give them the words
to say, and the actions to do.  May Our God Bless, (each of) YOU, in His Mighty Way, today, and
every day.  Amen.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions

Lord, I Pray This Happens To Me

In The Last Days, God will pour out on All Flesh, His Spirit
Your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesy, as Joel put it
Old Men shall dream Dreams, and they will tell YOU, what they were told
Young Men shall see Visions, a God given sight to behold

My Menservants and Maidservants, shall Prophesy to YOU
Know they are Saints, not Prophets, yet reveal things meant for YOU
Whosoever Calls on The Name of The Lord shall be Saved
A chance to look Jesus in the eyes, is joyously craved

Joel and Peter, told future Believers, what God said
What Our Prophecy, Dreams, or Visions reveal, some may dread
A privilege, honor, and True Blessing, to experience
Christ personally speaking to YOU, gives Us All guidance

Some may dismiss the possibility, of each of these
Thinking only in the Old Testament, so hard to please
Believers know, that every word, in The Bible is true
So, is The Lord God Almighty’s Word, good enough for YOU

God uses Dreams and Visions, to show YOU, something unique
Know that, He likes to make someone mighty, who once was meek
God will challenge YOU, to be more, than YOU think YOU can be
Perhaps YOU are thinking, Lord, I pray this happens to me

©Stan Arney

[Reference: Joel 2 & Acts 2]

Q?  Do YOU Believe, this could happen to YOU?
I do, I have spoken, with a handful of people, who have told me, they have experienced Dreams/Visions, and still do.  I know, by personal experience, that they do happen, to Believers Today, tell me what YOU think?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Update 8/29/2014

Update: 8/29/2014

I have been very busy, in a "writing frenzy", I have written over 60 new poems, in the last 3 months.
Hey, when God puts it upon your heart, to write, YOU write!  I find inspiration, from almost anything.
Sometimes, Jesus comes to me, in what I term, "Dream/Visions", i.e. He tells me what He wants me
to write about.  When this happens, I try to get up, and start writing immediately.  The Blessing in it,
is these poems, seem to flow through my fingertips, I don't have to think about what to write, because
it just flows, and I love writing these kind of poems, because I don't have to do any work, to create them.
This means I have written over 130 poems, in the last few years, which means I have to watch myself,
and try not to write about the same subject, that I have already written about.  The exception to this,
of course, is when I am Blessed with a "Dream/Vision", I write whatever He tells me to write.

Now, I know, many people don't believe in "Dream/Visions", because they think only God's Prophets,
can receive them, and since Jesus was the last to share God's Word with Us, He was the last.
Well, God told Us, Himself, that young Men would receive Visions, and Older Men would dream Dreams.
[See Acts 2:17]  So, I know, this is not only possible, but is absolutely The Truth!

I know I have posted many videos, of the poems and Bible Studies, I have written, on,
but I need to take time out and post more of my new poems, as well, so please look for them, and
I will let you know, when I post them.

Until next time, May Our God Bless (each of) YOU, in His Mighty Way, today, and every day.