Wednesday, December 31, 2014

God And Jesus Christ, Know And Believe In YOU

Even if YOU don’t know God Almighty, He knows YOU
Even if YOU don’t know Jesus Christ, He knows YOU
Even if YOU don’t Believe in God Almighty, He believes in YOU
Even if YOU don’t Believe in Jesus Christ, He believes in YOU
YOU don’t have to see God Almighty, to see His Hand at work
YOU don’t have to see Jesus Christ, to see His Hand at work
Look around, every single thing YOU see, is God’s Handiwork
Did YOU think, it’s all man-made, God rest’s Forever, from His Work
God set in motion, the things that were, things that are, and things that shall be
Man cannot even create a single blade of grass, from nothing, do YOU agree
Miracles still happen today, but does someone give God The Glory
Angels show up, in times of need, but does someone give God The Glory
God sets every man and woman, on a path of His Creation
He asks that we commune with Him, so He can give us direction
When we step away, from His Path, we experience a Life malfunction
When we return to His Path, and ask, Jesus Christ will show us how it’s done
We are to have God Almighty, as our true first priority
To put Him first, in our thoughts and actions, continuously
Seek His Guidance and Counsel, yet know, we can’t perfectly
We are to try our best, in us, His Light, all may see
To share about God’s Love, and of His amazing Saving Grace
In the things we do, things we say, when meeting face-to-face
That this Life is a stepping stone, on our way to another place
To make a decision, for a final judgment, we must face
God created YOU and me, and He watches every choice that we make
He knows what the outcome shall be, He sees each mistake
Every single twist and turn, every wrong move YOU make
He even watches over YOU, while YOU sleep at night, ‘til YOU awake
God puts upon your heart, that YOU should see things, His Way
That YOU will accept, His Free Gift of Salvation, one day
When YOU do, YOU will see things, in such a truly Blessed Way
That YOU will look forward, to meeting Jesus Christ, one day
YOU will realize, YOU are a part, of God Almighty’s Ultimate Plan
Your vocabulary will lose “I can’t”, replaced with “We can”
YOU are now, one of the Children of God, welcome to His Clan
YOU are a Sister or Brother, in Christ, not simply a woman or man
God has great plans for YOU, in time, YOU will understand
Through The Holy Spirit, may YOU truly feel Jesus Christ’s Hand
Know that He will challenge YOU, to be more, by His Command
To get up and get out, of your comfort zone, He will definitely demand
To speak out openly, about what God has done, and is teaching YOU
That as close to a sin-free Life, is what He asks of YOU, to pursue
To share about Jesus Christ, how He is Alive, as well as within YOU
That YOU have accepted, His Free Gift of Salvation, and that they should too
The choice, to be in God’s Presence, for All Eternity
Or to be, away from God’s Presence, for All Eternity
An individual decision, which should not be taken lightly
But one that no one else can make, for YOU or for me
Yes, God and Jesus Christ, know and believe in YOU
Whether or not YOU do, that choice is up to YOU
They will have a hand, in your Life, know this is true
What YOU will do with this knowledge, is now up to YOU

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

God’s ABC's

Have YOU ever "shared The Gospel" (God's Free Gift of Salvation) with anyone?  Have YOU ever "witnessed" someone accept, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (i.e. accept God's Free Gift of Salvation)?  Well, YOU are not alone, most Believers (in The Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty), have done neither one, and most are afraid to do so.  Many Believers think it's their Pastor's Job to lead people to Christ.  Did YOU know, it is not solely your Pastor's Job, to lead people to Christ?  It is actually your Pastor's Job, to teach everyone in his congregation, how to lead people to Christ (God's Free Gift of Salvation).  Now, sharing The Gospel may seem frightening to most of YOU, but I guarantee, once YOU learn how to do it, it's Life-changing.  God has put upon my heart, to share one technique with YOU.  It is by no means the best way or the only way.  Also, it's not an endorsement of the product used (it's not a commercial), it's merely the tool, I choose to use.  Anyways, "sharing The Gospel" (God's Free Gift of Salvation), has so many ways it can be done.  Let The Holy Spirit lead YOU.  I decided to let The Holy Spirit do the talking.  I have created a Video, which gives YOU an idea of how to "share" with others.  Again, this is what I was lead, to say and share, yours will be different, and that's OK, it should be.  The "tool" I use, is not important, it's "The Message" (God's Free Gift of Salvation", that is important.  I pray this will encourage YOU, to be willing to "share The Gospel" (God's Free Gift of Salvation), that perhaps YOU may "witness" someone accept Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior.  Thank YOU, for viewing this (ahead of time).  Enjoy and please don't hesitate to let me know what YOU think.  May Our God Bless YOU, in His Mighty Way, today, and every day.  Amen.

It's titled, "God's ABCs"

When YOU Stand Before Me, What Will Your Thoughts Be

If someone were to come up to YOU and ask, are YOU ready for Jesus Christ’s Return?  What would your response be, have YOU given it much thought?  Let’s say, YOU have accepted His Free Gift of Salvation, and I pray YOU have.  Are YOU truly ready for Jesus Christ’s Return?  If YOU stood before Jesus Christ, and He looked YOU in your eyes, and He asked YOU, well My Child, tell Me about yourself.  What would YOU say?  After all, He knows everything about YOU, so why ask this?  Would YOU tell Him, about yourself, at this time in your Life?  Telling Him about your family, your friends, that YOU attend a Church, and try to help others, as YOU can, etc.  Would YOU tell Him about the “not so good side” of YOU?  The sins YOU commit, how YOU don’t make it to Church as often as YOU should, and how YOU don’t always treat others, as YOU should.  That YOU don’t share about Him, as often as YOU should, and YOU don’t share about His Free Gift of Salvation, because YOU don’t wish to seem “preachy”.  Would YOU tell Him, that even though YOU commit some sins, overall, YOU are a “good person”?  Would YOU tell Him, when YOU accepted Him, as your Lord and Savior, and when YOU followed Him, in Believer’s Baptism?  What if He asked YOU: and what does this mean, to YOU?  Would your answer be: it means, I’m blessed, because I have the privilege to live with YOU, for Eternity?  Would your answer be: Lord, though I don’t deserve it, but because of your Love for me, and your desire to have me with YOU, I can be, thank YOU Lord, for dying for me.  Would YOU drop to your knees, place your forehead upon the ground, your hands extended on the ground?  Then say something like: Lord Jesus, I’m not worthy to be in Your Presence, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, for dying for me, thank YOU for Blessing me, far beyond what I’m worthy of.  I have looked forward to meeting YOU, Face-to-Face, my entire Life.  Now that I’m in Your Presence, I truly cannot believe it.  Is it true, is this simply a dream?  What should I do, when this ultimate dream, desire, has come true?  I have felt Your Presence, practically my whole Life.  In my darkest times, and my most joyous moments, I felt Your Presence, was I right?  I know I didn’t do everything in a “righteous” way, but I tried my best to do so.  I cannot say that my Faith, never dwindled, because that would be a lie, YOU know when it did, without a doubt.  Did I always share, Your Message, Your Free Gift of Salvation, with others, no Lord, I didn’t.  Did I always treat people with Love, even when they were not showing Love to me, no Lord, I didn’t. Did I forgive people, for All the sin or wrongdoings, they committed against me, no Lord, I didn’t.  Did I hold on to wrongdoings against me, without forgiving and forgetting, yes Lord, I did.  Did I worry about things, without giving them over to YOU, knowing YOU would take care of it, yes Lord, I did.  Did I shine Your Light, by my walk, by my talk, by my written word, by my every breath, yes Lord, to the best of my ability, I did.  Do I Love YOU, with All my heart, mind, body, and Soul (or Spirit), yes Lord, I certainly do!  Now Lord, what more can I do, for YOU?