Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Watch And Warn

Isaiah 52:8

“Your (God Almighty’s) Watchmen (Believers) shall Lift Up Their (Believers) Voices, with Their (Believers) Voices, They (Believers) shall SING Together; for They (Believers) shall SEE Eye-to Eye, when The LORD (God Almighty) BRINGS BACK Zion.”

Isaiah 62:6

“I (God Almighty) have SET Watchmen (Believers) on Your Walls, O Jerusalem; They (Believers) shall NEVER Hold Their (Believers) Peace, Day OR Night.  YOU (Believers) who make Mention of The LORD (God Almighty), Do NOT Keep SILENT.”


Ezekiel 3:16-19


Now it came to pass at the end of seven days, that The Word of The LORD (God Almighty) came to me (Ezekiel), SAYING, “Son of man, I (God Almighty) have Made YOU (Believers) a WATCHMAN for The House of Israel; therefore HEAR a WORD from My (God Almighty’s) Mouth, and GIVE Them (The House of Israel) WARNING from Me (God Almighty): When I (God Almighty) SAY to The Wicked (Unbelievers), ‘YOU (Unbelievers) shall Surely DIE,’ and YOU (Believers) GIVE Him (Unbelievers) NO Warning, nor SPEAK to WARN The Wicked (Unbelievers) from His (Unbelievers) Wicked Way, to SAVE His (Unbelievers) Life, that SAME Wicked Man (Unbelievers) shall DIE in His (Unbelievers) Iniquity; BUT His (Unbelievers) Blood, I (God Almighty) will REQUIRE at Your (Believers) Hand.  Yet, If YOU (Believers) WARN The Wicked (Unbelievers), and He (Unbelievers) does NOT Turn from His (Unbelievers) Wickedness, NOR from His (Unbelievers) Wicked Way, He (Unbelievers) shall DIE in His (Unbelievers) Iniquity; but YOU (Believers) have DELIVERED Your (Believers) Soul.”

Ezekiel 33:1-6


Again The Word of The LORD (God Almighty) came to me (Ezekiel), saying, “Son of man, SPEAK to The Children of Your People, and SAY to them: ‘When I (God Almighty) BRING The Sword upon a Land, and The People of The Land, TAKE a man from Their Territory and make him, Their WATCHMAN, when He (The Watchman) SEES The Sword (of God Almighty) COMING upon The Land, if He (The Watchman) BLOWS The Trumpet and WARNS The People, then whoever (Unbelievers) HEARS The Sound of The Trumpet and does NOT Take Warning, if The Sword (of God Almighty) COMES and TAKES him (Unbelievers) away, his (Unbelievers) blood shall be on his (Unbelievers) own head.  He (Unbelievers) HEARD The Sound of The Trumpet, but did NOT Take Warning; his (Unbelievers) blood shall be upon himself (Unbelievers).  But He (Believers) who TAKES Warning Will SAVE His (Believers) Life.  But IF The Watchman SEES The Sword (of God Almighty) COMING and does NOT Blow The Trumpet, and The People are NOT Warned, and The Sword (of God Almighty) COMES and TAKES Any Person (Unbelievers) from among them, he (Unbelievers) is TAKEN AWAY in his (Unbelievers) iniquity; but his (Unbelievers) blood, I (God Almighty) will REQUIRE at The Watchman’s Hand.’

Mark 13:32-37

“But of That Day AND Hour NO ONE KNOWS, NOT even The Angels in Heaven, NOR The Son (Jesus Christ), but ONLY The Father (God Almighty).  Take Heed, WATCH and Pray; for YOU (Believers) do NOT know when The Time is.  It is like a Man (Jesus Christ) going to a Far Country (Heaven), who left His (Jesus Christ’s) House (The Church) and GAVE AUTHORITY to His (Jesus Christ’s) Servants (Believers), and to EACH His (Believers) Work, and COMMANDED The Doorkeeper (The Gatekeeper, The Porter, The Watchman) to WATCH.  WATCH therefore, for YOU (Believers) do NOT Know when The Master (Jesus Christ) of The House is COMING, in The Evening, at Midnight, at The Crowing of The Rooster, or in The Morning, lest, COMING Suddenly, He (Jesus Christ) find YOU (Believers) sleeping (NOT doing God Almighty’s Work).  And what I (Jesus Christ) SAY to YOU (Believers), I (Jesus Christ) SAY to All (Believers): WATCH!”


Luke 21:34-36


“But Take Heed to Yourselves (Believers), lest Your (Believers) Hearts be weighed down, with carousing, drunkenness, and Cares of This Life, and That Day COME on YOU (Believers), UNEXPECTEDLY.  For it (That Day) will COME as a Snare on All those (Unbelievers) who DWELL on The Face of The Whole Earth.  WATCH therefore, and PRAY ALWAYS, that YOU (Believers) May Be COUNTED WORTHY, to ESCAPE All These Things, that will Come to Pass, and to STAND Before The Son of Man (Jesus Christ).”

Fellow Believers, there are Two Things We (Believers) need to remember, when it comes to Watchmen:  One, Speaking to WARN People about accepting Jesus Christ, as Their Personal Lord and Savior.  Two, Blowing The Trumpet, WARNING People of Jesus Christ’s Return.

It IS Our (Believers) Responsibility to Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ, to WARN Them (Unbelievers) what will happen, should They (Unbelievers) Choose to REFUSE God’s Free Gift of Salvation.

It IS Our (Believers) Responsibility, also, to Understand AND Share “End Times Prophecy” with EVERYONE (especially Fellow Believers).

As far as, Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ (with Yet-To-Be-Believers and Unbelievers), I pray All of YOU (Believers) KNOW how to Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and if YOU (Believers) do NOT, I pray YOU (Believers) will LEARN, ASAP.

Understanding and Sharing “End Times Prophecy” is a little more difficult.  It requires reading and studying The Holy Bible, and praying (communing with God Almighty) to God Almighty, asking Him (God Almighty) for Wisdom to Understand.  After all, God Almighty did NOT include “Future Prophecy” (even End Times Prophecy) in The Holy Bible, if He (God Almighty) did NOT want Us (Believers) to read, learn, and understand it (Future Prophecy).  By reading and studying The Holy Bible, We (Believers) can understand God Almighty’s Timeline of Future Events.  No, We (Believers) can NOT determine The Day AND Hour of Jesus Christ’s Return, but on the other hand, We (Believers) can KNOW The Timeline of Events which lead up to it (Jesus Christ’s Return).  For End Times Prophecy, most of Us (Believers) KNOW The Book of Daniel, in The Old Testament and The Book of Revelation, in The New Testament; SPEAK specifically about “The End Times.”

Imagine, being shown something (Beyond Imagination) that was going to happen thousands of years from now, and trying to describe it, in terms, People of Your (Believers) Day could and would understand?  Well, that’s exactly what both Daniel and John Experienced (Beyond Imagination), and then had to write down, what They (Daniel and John) Witnessed.

“WATCH”, Jesus Christ told His (Jesus Christ’s) Disciples, several times, to “WATCH”, Watch for The Master of The House to Come Home!

The World is getting WORSE, by the second!  The Holy Bible provides Us (Believers) a Timeline to FOLLOW Certain Events.

YOU (Believers) are a “Watchman” (Watchman OR Watchwoman), NOW is The Time to Go About The Father’s (God Almighty’s) Business.  Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ with EVERYONE, whom God Almighty has Put Upon Their (Yet-To-Be-Believers) Hearts to have Ears to hear AND Eyes to see, The TRUTH!  NOW is The Time, to READ, STUDY, and TEACH about End Times Prophecy, and The Events that Lead Up to The Rapture, The Great Tribulation, and The Second Coming of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Put On The Full Armor of God Almighty!  May The Holy Spirit Guide and Counsel YOU (Believers), so that YOU (Believers) are Fully Prepared to Go About The Father’s (God Almighty’s) Business.  Please remember, To WATCH and WARN.  Amen.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Darkness IS On Our Horizon

Fellow Believers, I do NOT want to say this, but Darkness IS On Our Horizon.  What Darkness, YOU (Believers) ask?  Well, the kind of Darkness that will cover The Whole World.  YOU (Believers) can FEEL it, can’t YOU (Believers)?  YOU (Believers) KNOW exactly what I’m talking about, don’t YOU (Believers).  The Tide has turned once again, and Evil is taking its foothold upon The World.  Darkness is (at least) at Our (Believers) Shores, if it (Evil) is NOT already within Our (Believers) Borders.  YOU (Believers) may THINK, that YOU (Believers) are SAFE, and that Darkness can NOT Cross The Border into Your (Believers) Country, into Your (Believers) State, into Your (Believers) City, THINK AGAIN.  YOU (Believers) may THINK, that YOU (Believers) are SAFE, and that Darkness can NOT Reach Your (Believers) Doorstep, THINK AGAIN.

Remember THIS though, We (Believers) are Sons AND Daughters of The LIGHT, We (Believers) are Sons AND Daughters of The DAY, and yes, We (Believers) are Sons AND Daughters, Children of GOD Almighty!  And Our LORD, Jesus Christ, ABIDES Within Us (Believers), THROUGH The Holy Spirit!

God Almighty’s Word, The Holy Bible, TOLD Us (Believers) THIS Was Coming, so it should NOT come, as a complete surprise, huh.  The Old Testament Prophets TOLD Us (Believers) THIS Was Coming, Jesus Christ TOLD Us (Believers) THIS Was Coming, AND Jesus Christ’s Disciples TOLD Us (Believers) THIS Was Coming.  So, yes, it should NOT come, as a Complete SURPRISE.

If YOU (Believers) THINK, this is the worst it can get, Christians (Believers in The Gospel of Jesus Christ) being Persecuted AND Killed, thousands of miles away, surely it can NOT happen HERE, THINK AGAIN.  If YOU (Believers) THINK, that the little wars going on, thousands of miles away, will NOT affect YOU (Believers), THINK AGAIN.  If YOU (Believers) THINK, what goes on thousands of miles away, can NOT possibly affect YOU (Believers), THINK AGAIN.  If YOU (Believers) THINK, that a Massive War, thousands of miles away, can NOT possibly affect YOU (Believers) OR Your (Believers) Family, THINK AGAIN.

So, What Can We (Believers) Do, YOU (Believers) Ask?

Ephesians 6:10-20

Finally, My Brethren (Believers), BE STRONG in The LORD (Jesus Christ) and in The Power of His (Jesus Christ’s) Might.  Put On The Whole Armor of God (God Almighty), that YOU (Believers) may be able to STAND AGAINST The Wiles of The Devil.  For We (Believers) do NOT Wrestle AGAINST flesh and blood, but AGAINST Principalities, AGAINST Powers, AGAINST The Rulers of The Darkness of This Age, AGAINST Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness in The Heavenly Places.  Therefore, TAKE UP The Whole Armor of God (God Almighty), that YOU (Believers) may be able to WITHSTAND in The Evil Day, and having Done All, TO STAND.  STAND therefore, having Girded Your (Believers) Waist with TRUTH, having Put On The Breastplate of Righteousness, and having Shod Your (Believers) Feet with The PREPARATION of The Gospel of Peace; Above ALL, Taking The SHIELD of FAITH with which YOU (Believers) will be able to QUENCH All The Fiery Darts of The Wicked One (The Devil).  And TAKE The Helmet of SALVATION, AND The SWORD of The Spirit (The Holy Spirit), which is THE WORD (The Holy Bible) of God (God Almighty); PRAYING ALWAYS with All Prayer and Supplication in The Spirit, BEING WATCHFUL to This End with All Perseverance and Supplication for ALL THE SAINTS (Believers) and for Me (Believers), that UTTERANCE may be GIVEN to Me (Believers), that I (Believers) may OPEN My (Believers) Mouth BOLDLY, to MAKE KNOWN The Mystery of The Gospel (The Gospel of Jesus Christ), for which I (Believers) am an Ambassador in Chains; that in it I (Believers) may SPEAK BOLDLY, as I (Believers) Ought to Speak.

And with that, make CERTAIN that Your (Believers) Spouse, Your (Believers) Children, Your (Believers) Family, Your (Believers) Church Family, Your (Believers) Friends, Your (Believers) Co-Workers, Your (Believers) Neighbors, etc. have ALL Truly acknowledged God Amazing Saving Grace AND accepted God’s Free Gift of Salvation.  Next, Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ, with EVERYONE, YOU (Believers) possibly can.  God Almighty will BRING TO YOU (Believers), Those (Yet-To-Be-Believers) He (God Almighty) has CALLED, whom He (God Almighty) has Placed Upon Their (Yet-To-Be-Believers) Hearts, to have “Ears to hear AND Eyes to see, THE TRUTH.”

In the meantime, PRAY, PRAY like YOU (Believers) have NEVER prayed before.  PRAY for Yourself (Believers), PRAY for Your (Believers) Family, PRAY for Your (Believers) Church Family, PRAY for Your (Believers) Friends, PRAY for Your (Believers) Co-Workers, PRAY for Your (Believers) Neighbors, PRAY for Your (Believers) Church, PRAY for Your (Believers) City or Town, PRAY for Your (Believers) State, PRAY for Your (Believers) Country, and yes, PRAY for The World.  PRAY for Your (Believers) Fellow Brothers AND Sisters, in Christ, around The World.  PRAY for Your (Believers) Enemies, that They (Your Enemies) will come to accept Jesus Christ, as Their Personal Lord and Savior.  PRAY for The Nations of The World and All The People in Them (The Nations).  PRAY for God Almighty’s Love, Mercy, and Grace.  PRAY for Strength, to ENDURE These Troubled Times.  PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more!

Please, continue to READ and STUDY God’s Word, The Holy Bible, because YOU (Believers) can learn more about what IS happening and what IS going to happen.  Also, it’s another way, God Almighty TALKS TO YOU (Believers), Telling YOU (Believers) Things He (God Almighty) wants YOU (Believers) to KNOW, and Things He (God Almighty) wants YOU (Believers) to SHARE with Others.

Finally, yes, Darkness IS On Our (Believers) Horizon, and yes, things are going to get much worse, but We (Believers) KNOW The End Result!  We (Believers) Will Be in God Almighty’s Immediate Presence, with Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, God Almighty’s Holy Angels, and all the rest of The Children (Believers) of God Almighty, for Eternity, Forever!

My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of YOU (Believers).  May Our God Bless YOU (Believers), in His Mighty Way, today, and in The Days to Come.  Amen.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Why Believers Should NOT Sweat The Small Stuff

Fact: Jesus Christ was BORN.
Fact: We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date.
Fact: Jesus Christ DIED, upon The Cross.
Fact: We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date.

Fact: Jesus Christ was RAISED from The Grave (The Tomb), ALIVE, by God Almighty, on The Third Day.
Fact: We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date.

Fellow Believers, why do I say, We (Believers) should NOT sweat The Small Stuff?

Well, first off, We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date, which Jesus Christ was BORN, and that’s OK.  At least, We (Believers) have CHOSEN a DAY to Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Birth (EVERY YEAR)!

Next, We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date, which Jesus Christ DIED upon The Cross (Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion), and that’s OK.  At least, We (Believers) have CHOSEN a DAY to Remember Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice, Once for All (Mankind), Paying Our sin debt and Defeating Death (EVERY YEAR)!

We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date, which Jesus Christ was RAISED from The Grave (The Tomb), ALIVE (Jesus Christ’s Resurrection), by God Almighty, Himself, and that’s OK.  At least, We (Believers) have CHOSEN a DAY to Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Resurrection (EVERY YEAR)!

We (Believers) do NOT know The Exact Day AND Date, which Jesus Christ Ascended on a Cloud, ALIVE (Jesus Christ’s Ascension), into Heaven, and sat down at The Right Hand of God Almighty, and that’s OK.  At least, We (Believers) have CHOSEN to Celebrate it (Jesus Christ’s Ascension), EVERY DAY!

So, what is my point, YOU (Believers) ask?  Stop getting “hung up” on day or dates, when We (Believers) do NOT even know them anyways.  Be GRATEFUL, that We (Believers) have the luxury to Celebrate These Events!

How many events in this World can YOU (Believers) name, whereby The Whole World Celebrates That Event?  Yeah, New Year’s Eve, that’s true, but how about Jesus Christ’s Birth AND Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, which are The Two Most Important Events, to All Mankind, period!

What IS Important (i.e. NOT small stuff) is a Person’s Salvation; in FACT, IT (Salvation) IS THE MOST IMPORTANT Thing of All!

IF a Person Acknowledges God Almighty’s Amazing Saving Grace AND Accepts God Almighty’s Free Gift of Salvation, then He or She has RECEIVED Salvation (i.e. He or She IS SAVED), but what do I mean?

Well, the person MUST ACCEPT, there is but One GOD, God Almighty.  Next, He or She MUST ACCEPT, that He or She is a sinner and DESERVES to pay the sin debt of Death (The Second Death).  Next, He or She MUST ACCEPT, that He or She can NEVER do enough, to EARN His or Her WAY, into God’s Immediate Presence.  Next, He or She MUST ACCEPT, that Jesus Christ IS God Almighty’s One and ONLY Son.  Next, He or She MUST ACCEPT, that Jesus Christ Lived a Sin-Free Life, that Jesus Christ DIED upon The Cross (Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion), Paying The Sin Debt, Once for ALL (i.e. All Mankind), that Jesus Christ was BURIED in The Tomb (The Grave), that Jesus Christ WAS RISEN from The Tomb (The Grave), ALIVE (Jesus Christ’s Resurrection), by God Almighty, Himself, and that After Forty Days, Jesus Christ Ascended on a Cloud, into Heaven, ALIVE (Jesus Christ’s Ascension), and sat down at The Right Hand of God Almighty, where He (Jesus Christ) RESIDES Today.

So, even though We (Believers) DESERVE Death for the sins We (Believers) commit, even though We (Believers) can NEVER do enough to EARN Our (Believers) Way, into God Almighty’s Immediate Presence, and even though We (Believers) are NOT Worthy of God Almighty’s Amazing Saving Grace, GOD Almighty Still OFFERS it (Salvation), to Us (Believers).  So what MUST We (Believers) Do, to RECEIVE This Amazing GIFT, YOU (Believers) ask?

Well, having ACCEPTED, the above mentioned items, He or She MUST ASK God Almighty and Jesus Christ, though a Prayer.  He or She MUST ADMIT, that He or She is a sinner, and does NOT DESERVE to be Forgiven, that He or She realizes there is absolutely nothing, He or She could do, to EARN Forgiveness, that He or She ASKS God Almighty to Forgive His or Her Past sins (i.e. REPENTS), that He or She, from now on, will TURN AWAY from sin AND Back TOWARDS God Almighty, that He or She wants to THANK Jesus Christ, for Dying for Him or Her, Taking Upon Himself (Jesus Christ) His or Her sin, then Dying in His or Her Place, Paying His or Her sin debt (not ONLY His or Her sin debt, but All Mankind, Once for All), and when God Almighty RAISED Him (Jesus Christ) from The Tomb, ALIVE, Jesus Christ DEFEATED Death, itself, therefore He or She ASKS Jesus Christ to COME into His or Her Heart (to Abide within Him or Her, THROUGH The Holy Spirit) AND to TAKE CONTROL of His or Her Life, and He or She VOWS to BECOME Jesus Christ’s LIGHT upon The World, Allowing Jesus Christ to LIVE through Him or Her.

IF This Prayer is from The Heart, and Truly Meant, then He or She is Forgiven (i.e. His or Her past sin, Forgiven AND Forgotten) AND RECEIVES Salvation (i.e. He or She IS SAVED).  This is also known as, His or Her INWARD Decision, meaning it’s a private thing, between Him or Her AND God Almighty.  He or She has now CHOSEN to Follow Jesus Christ, becoming Jesus Christ’s Disciple, a Believer in The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and a Child of God Almighty!

Next, He or She will want to Follow Jesus Christ, in True Obedience, through Believer’s Baptism.  This is also known as, His or Her OUTWARD Expression, meaning His or Her Public Display, of His or Her Decision to Follow Jesus Christ.  Believer’s Baptism is Our (Believers) Outward Expression of Our (Believers) Inward Decision.

Fellow Believers, I PRAY WE (Believers) ALL AGREE, a Person’s SALVATION is far more important, than what day do they Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Birth OR what day do they Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Resurrection OR what do they call the day they Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Resurrection.

We (Believers) ARE Jesus Christ’s LIGHT Upon The World, and Our (Believers) Task is to LEAD People to Jesus Christ.  Remember, Jesus Christ said, “I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life, NO ONE Comes to The Father (God Almighty), EXCEPT through ME (Jesus Christ!”

Look at it this way, IF there was NO Church (and NO Rules surrounding The Church), We (Believers) would STILL be doing The Exact Same Thing, Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ!  We (Believers) would be TELLING People about Jesus Christ, Who He IS, How He Lived, His Death upon The Cross (Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion), His being Raised from The Tomb, ALIVE, by God Almighty (Jesus Christ’s Resurrection), and His Ascending on a Cloud into Heaven, ALIVE, and sat down at The Right Hand of God Almighty (Jesus Christ’s Ascension), and that it’s ONLY through Jesus Christ, that We (Believers) can RECEIVE Everlasting Life (i.e. to be in God’s Immediate Presence, with Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, God Almighty’s Holy Angels, and all the rest of The Children of God Almighty, for Eternity, Forever).

So, Please Believers, I pray YOU (Believers) will NOT sweat the small stuff, and concentrate on what Matters Most, Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Sharing about Forgiveness, about God Almighty’s Amazing Saving Grace, about Redemption, about God Almighty’s Free Gift of Salvation, about The Assurance of Everlasting Life, which comes ONLY through The Name Above All Names, JESUS CHRIST, about The Promise to be in God Almighty’s Immediate Presence, for Eternity, Forever!  Amen.

The Great Day Of The LORD, God Almighty

Zechariah 14:1-15

Behold, The Day of The LORD is Coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst.  For I will gather All The Nations to BATTLE against Jerusalem; The City (Jerusalem) shall be TAKEN, the houses rifled, and the women RAVISHED.  Half of The City (Jerusalem) shall go into CAPTIVITY, but The Remnant of The People shall NOT be Cut Off from The City (Jerusalem).  Then The LORD will GO FORTH and FIGHT AGAINST Those Nations, as He FIGHTS in The Day of BATTLE.  And in That Day (The Day of BATTLE), His Feet will STAND on The Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on The East.  And The Mount of Olives shall be SPLIT in TWO, from East to West, making a Very Large Valley; Half of The Mountain (The Mount of Olives) shall MOVE toward The North and Half of it (The Mount of Olives) toward The South.  Then YOU shall FLEE through My Mountain Valley, for The Mountain Valley shall reach to Azal.  Yes, YOU shall FLEE as YOU fled from The Earthquake in The Days of Uzziah, King of Judah.  Thus The LORD, My God will COME, and All The Saints with YOU.  It shall Come to Pass in That Day (The Day of BATTLE) that there will be NO LIGHT; the lights will diminish.  It shall be ONE DAY which is KNOWN to The LORD, neither DAY nor NIGHT.  But at EVENING TIME it shall happen, that it will be LIGHT.  And in That Day (The Day of BATTLE) it shall be that LIVING WATERS shall FLOW from Jerusalem, half of them (The LIVING WATERS) toward The Eastern Sea and half of them (The LIVING WATERS) toward The Western Sea; in BOTH Summer AND Winter it shall occur.  And The LORD shall be King OVER All The Earth.  In That Day (The Day of BATTLE) it shall be, “The LORD IS ONE,” and His Name ONE.  All The Land shall be turned into a plain, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be RAISED UP and inhabited in Her (Jerusalem’s) Place, from Benjamin’s Gate to The Place of The First Gate and The Corner Gate, and from The Tower of Hananel to The King’s Winepresses.  The People shall DWELL in it (Jerusalem); and NO Longer shall there be UTTER DESTRUCTION, but Jerusalem shall be SAFELY INHABITED.

And THIS shall be The Plague with which The LORD will STRIKE All The People, who fought AGAINST Jerusalem: Their Flesh shall DISSOLVE while They STAND on Their Feet, Their Eyes shall DISSOLVE in Their Sockets, and Their Tongues shall DISSOLVE in Their Mouths.  It shall Come to Pass in That Day (The Day of BATTLE) that a Great Panic from The LORD will be AMONG Them.  Everyone will SEIZE The Hand of His Neighbor, and RAISE His Hand AGAINST His Neighbor’s Hand; Judah also will FIGHT at Jerusalem.  And The Wealth of All the Surrounding Nations shall be GATHERED TOGETHER: gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance.  Such also shall be The Plague on the horse and the mule, on the camel and the donkey, and on All the cattle, that will be in those camps.  So shall This Plague be.


Zephaniah 1:2-18


“I will utterly Consume EVERYTHING from The Face of The Land,” Says The LORD; “I will CONSUME man and beast; I will CONSUME the birds of The Heavens, the fish of The Sea, and the stumbling blocks along with the wicked.  I will cut off man from The Face of The Land,” Says The LORD.  “I will stretch out My Hand AGAINST Judah, and AGAINST All The Inhabitants of Jerusalem.  I will CUT OFF every trace of Baal from This Place, the names of the idolatrous priests with the pagan priests, Those who Worship The Host of Heaven on the housetops; those who worship and SWEAR Oaths by The LORD, but who ALSO swear by Milcom; those who have turned back from FOLLOWING The LORD, and have NOT Sought The LORD, NOR Inquired of Him.”  Be SILENT in The Presence of The LORD GOD; for The Day of The LORD is at hand, for The LORD has PREPARED a Sacrifice; He has INVITED His Guests.  “And it shall be, in The Day of The LORD’s Sacrifice, that I will punish the princes and the king’s children, and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel.  In The Same Day (The Day of The LORD) I will punish All those who leap over the threshold, who fill their masters’ houses with violence and deceit.  “And there shall be on That Day (The Day of The LORD),” Says The LORD, “The Sound of a Mournful Cry from The Fish Gate, a Wailing from The Second Quarter, and a Loud Crashing from the hills.  Wail, YOU Inhabitants of Maktesh!  For all the merchant people are cut down; All those who handle money are cut off.  “And it shall Come to Pass at That Time (The Day of The LORD) that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and punish the men who are SETTLED in Complacency, who say in their heart, ‘The LORD will NOT do GOOD, NOR will He do evil.’  Therefore their goods shall become booty, and their houses a DESOLATION; they shall build houses, but NOT inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards, but NOT drink their wine.”

The Great Day of The LORD is NEAR; It is near and hastens quickly.  The Noise of The Day of The LORD is BITTER; there the mighty men shall cry out.  That Day (The Day of The LORD) is a Day of WRATH, a Day of Trouble and Distress, A Day of Devastation and Desolation, a Day of Darkness and Gloominess, a Day of Clouds and Thick Darkness, a Day of Trumpet and Alarm AGAINST The Fortified Cities and AGAINST The High Towers.  “I will bring DISTRESS upon men, and they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned AGAINST The LORD; their blood shall be POURED OUT like dust, and their flesh like REFUSE.”  Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to DELIVER them in The Day of The LORD’s Wrath; but The Whole Land shall be DEVOURED by The Fire of His Jealousy, for He will make SPEEDY RIDDANCE of All those who dwell in The Land.

Zephaniah 2:1-3


Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, O Undesirable Nation, BEFORE The Decree is ISSUED, or The Day PASSES like chaff, BEFORE The LORD’s Fierce ANGER Comes upon YOU, BEFORE The Day of The LORD’s ANGER Comes upon YOU!  SEEK The LORD, All YOU Meek of The Earth, who have UPHELD His Justice.  SEEK Righteousness, SEEK Humility.  It MAY BE, that YOU will be HIDDEN in The Day of The LORD’s ANGER.

Malachi 4:1-6


“For behold, The Day is Coming, BURNING like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be STUBBLE.  And The Day which is Coming shall BURN them up,” SAYS The LORD of Hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch.  But to YOU who FEAR My Name, The Sun of Righteousness shall ARISE with HEALING in His Wings; and YOU shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.  YOU shall TRAMPLE the wicked, for they shall be ashes under The Soles of Your Feet on The Day that I do This, SAYS The LORD of Hosts.  “Remember The Law of Moses, My Servant, which I Commanded Him (Moses) in Horeb for All Israel, with The Statutes and Judgments.  Behold, I will SEND YOU, Elijah, The Prophet, BEFORE The Coming of The GREAT and DREADFUL Day of The LORD.  And He (Elijah) will TURN The Hearts of The Fathers to The Children, and The Hearts of The Children to Their Fathers, lest I come and STRIKE The Earth with a CURSE.”

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11


But concerning The Times and The Seasons, Brethren (Believers), YOU (Believers) have NO Need, that I (Paul) should write to YOU (Believers).  For YOU (Believers), Yourselves, KNOW Perfectly that The Day of The Lord so COMES as a Thief in The Night.  For when they (Unbelievers) say, “Peace and Safety!” then SUDDEN DESTRUCTION comes upon them (Unbelievers), as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.  And they (Unbelievers) shall NOT Escape.  But YOU (Believers), Brethren, are NOT in darkness, so that This Day should Overtake YOU (Believers) as a Thief.  YOU (Believers) are All Sons of LIGHT and Sons of The Day.  We (Believers) are NOT of the night NOR of darkness.  Therefore, let Us (Believers) NOT sleep, as others do, but let Us (Believers) WATCH and Be Sober.  For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.  But let Us (Believers), who are of The Day be SOBER, Putting On The Breastplate of FAITH and LOVE, and as a Helmet, The HOPE of SALVATION.  For God (God Almighty) did NOT Appoint Us (Believers) to WRATH, but to Obtain SALVATION, THROUGH Our LORD, Jesus Christ, who DIED for Us (Believers), that whether We (Believers) Wake or Sleep, We (Believers) should Live Together with Him (Jesus Christ).  Therefore COMFORT Each Other (Believers) and EDIFY One Another (Believers), just as YOU (Believers) also are DOING.

2 Peter 3:10-13


But The Day of The LORD will Come as a Thief in The Night, in which The Heavens will PASS AWAY with a Great Noise, and The Elements will MELT with FERVENT HEAT; both The Earth and The Works that are in it (The Earth) will be BURNED UP.  Therefore, since All These Things will be DISSOLVED, what Manner of Persons ought YOU (Believers) to be in Holy Conduct and Godliness, Looking for and HASTENING The Coming of The Day of God (God Almighty), because of which The Heavens will be DISSOLVED, being on FIRE, and The Elements will MELT with FERVENT HEAT?  Nevertheless We (Believers), According to His (God Almighty’s) Promise, Look for New Heavens and a New Earth in which Righteousness Dwells.

Fellow Believers, I first want to thank YOU (Believers) for your patience, in reading These Scriptures.  If These Scriptures do NOT send a “cold chill down your spine”, I don’t know what will.  These Scriptures sound more like something from Science Fiction, than from Holy Bible Future Prophecy.  All of These Scriptures seem to be describing The Same Event, “The Great Day Of The LORD, God Almighty.”  Zechariah describes it, as being ONE DAY, if YOU (Believers) can imagine so much happening, in just one day.  I can tell YOU (Believers), personally, I do NOT want any part of This Day.

All the more reason, to Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ, with EVERYONE, who has “Ears to hear AND Eyes to see!"