Monday, April 27, 2015

Seek Your True Father

Imagine being adopted, at birth, by a loving family.  As your adopted parents raise YOU, YOU can’t help, but feel something’s missing.  YOU can’t quite put your finger on it, but it stays in the back of your mind.  As YOU grow, YOU have loving parents, but the family, YOU were adopted from, keeps an eye on YOU.  Your Father, who allowed YOU to be adopted by this family, keeps His Loving Eyes on YOU, yearning for YOU to decide to seek Him.  He watches YOU closely, every decision YOU make, right or wrong.  He rejoices with YOU, in your triumphs, and hurts with YOU, in your despair.  He is within your reach, at any given point in time, all YOU must do, is seek Him.  YOU feel emptiness within YOU, but YOU just don’t know how to fill it.  Sometimes, YOU try to fill it, with positive things to the extreme, like work, physical exercise, education, and more.  Other times, YOU try to fill it, with negative things, like overeating, drugs, alcohol, sex, dangerous situations, and more.  YOU have heard the expression, YOU have a hole in your heart, that yearns to be filled, well, I can tell YOU, without a doubt, it’s true.  Now, YOU are probably asking, how do I fill this hole in my heart, what will truly fill my heart, and make it whole?  The answer to this question is truly within your own control.  Did YOU know that every single person, born in this World, has this same hole in their heart?  The answer YOU are seeking is God Almighty!  YOU were created by God Almighty, The Father, who watches over YOU, your entire lifetime.  God Almighty, places into each of our hearts, the desire to seek Him, many will, and unfortunately, many will not.  At the right time, in your Life, YOU will seek and find The Father, God Almighty.  Someone will be placed, in your Life path that will share with YOU The Truth, about God Almighty and His Only Son, The Lord Jesus Christ.  YOU will learn about God’s Amazing Saving Grace, through God’s Free Gift of Salvation.  The moment YOU accept Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior, several things will happen, simultaneously.  YOU will have eyes to see and ears to hear.  YOU will realize God, The Father, for who He truly is, and YOU will realize Jesus Christ, for who He is as well.  Most importantly, YOU will be welcomed into God’s Kingdom, and acknowledged, as one of The Children of God.  Suddenly, everything makes sense to YOU.  Why YOU felt the emptiness in your Life, why everything just didn’t seem quite right, why YOU always felt someone watching YOU!  YOU feel something wonderful washing over YOU, inside YOU, yes, changing YOU, from the inside out.  YOU feel like a new person, because YOU are.  YOU must let go the old YOU of living for yourself, and embraced a new YOU, living for your True Father, God Almighty.  Isn’t this the best feeling YOU have ever experienced in your Life.  God Almighty, The Creator of The Universe and The World, cares this much, about a single individual, YOU.  If YOU have experienced this in your Life, YOU know what I’m talking about, but if YOU haven’t, then we (YOU and I) have something to talk about.  Amen.

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