Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are YOU Bold Enough

Are YOU bold enough, to stand up and Preach The Gospel of Christ
Tell everyone, how He lived, and why His Life was sacrificed
God Almighty raised Him, Alive, from the grave, after three days
Jesus Christ Ascended into Heaven, after forty days
To sit at The Right Hand of God, Alive, ‘til The Day arrives
When Jesus Christ descends on Clouds from Heaven, to change Our lives
In the meantime, it’s your job, and your responsibility
To Preach The Gospel of Christ, to shine His Light for All to see
Don’t worry about what words to say, for The Holy Spirit
In this moment, He will give YOU, His Words to say, count on it
Believer, Jesus abides in YOU, through The Holy Spirit
Which means, Jesus Christ has your back, and that’s all there is to it
YOU are Jesus’ Light upon the World, YOU should shine so brightly
That the World sees Jesus Christ, instead of Us, yes, YOU or me
The Love of God and Christ, through a personal relationship
They should yearn to have with God, a personal relationship
To walk with Jesus by Our side, to speak to God, every day
To be In God’s Immediate Presence, Forever, one day
Who could or would, ask for anything more, to be within reach
For by Our Faith, We Believe, and it’s on Our shoulders to teach
Rise Up, Believer, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone
Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ, YOU know, YOU are not alone
Feel Jesus within YOU, through The Holy Spirit, speak clearly
Shine The Light of The Lord Jesus Christ, but Give God The Glory
Boldly stand for your Faith, stand for what YOU Believe in, Always
Giving God Almighty and Jesus, Their due Glory and Praise
You’re sharing about God and Jesus, and what they’ve done for YOU
Now, get out there and spread The Gospel, They are counting on YOU

God Created Man, Male And Female, In His Own Image

For God said, let Us make Man in Our Likeness, in Our Image
So God Created Man, Male and Female, in His Own Image
Then God Blessed them, and then God said, be fruitful and multiply
Fill the Earth, and subdue all creatures of the Earth, Sea, and sky
The LORD God, formed Man of the dust of the ground, says The Bible
Then Breathed into his nostrils, The Breath of Life, says The Bible
Man became a Living Being, next God made him, a Helper
The LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, deep slumber
Then God took one of Adam’s ribs, and closed up the flesh, and then
With Adam’s rib, The LORD God made into a Woman, Amen
God brought her to Man, Adam said, about the other human
She is bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh, she’ll be called, Woman
Because she was taken out of Man, made by God, Our Father
Therefore a Man, like Adam, shall leave his Father and Mother
And be joined to his Wife, and they shall become One Flesh, one thing
Adam named His Wife, Eve, she was the Mother of all living
Then God Blessed them, and then God said, be fruitful and multiply
Fill the Earth, and subdue all creatures of the Earth, Sea, and sky
The key words here, be fruitful and multiply, to have offspring
The goal of sexual relations, is to create offspring
Yes, Life requires DNA, from one woman and one man
That’s right, down to Our most basic level, We can see God’s Plan
The DNA mixed together, creates a human being
The LORD God Breathes Life, into every single human being
Sexual relations outside of marriage, causes conflict
It’s why it’s such a fiercely debated, contested subject
Having offspring, children, outside of marriage, hurts all involved
I’m not saying having children, in marriage, means problem solved
But it’s The Fabric of Life, how The LORD God intended it
Having a Father and Mother, The LORD God’s prerequisite
Adultery and Divorce, cause turmoil, I’m not naïve
That the root to these problems, can be found in the word, deceive
The LORD God created Man, Male and Female, to procreate
We can see this in Our DNA, God is Powerful and Great
Yes, God Created Man, Male and Female, in His Own Image
Yes, God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, broke Us free from sin’s bondage
One day, We can be in God’s Immediate Presence, it’s true
By accepting God’s Free Gift of Salvation, I have, have YOU
Therefore, by God’s Amazing Saving Grace, I’m a Child of God
Down to Our DNA, We can see The Mighty Hand of God

Monday, June 29, 2015

We Must Test The Spirits

Do not believe every spirit but Test the spirits and see
Whether the spirits are of God, to unlock their mystery
That’s because many false prophets have gone out into the World
By this YOU will know, The Spirit of God, from those of the World
All Spirits that Confess, Jesus came in The Flesh, is of God
But every spirit that does not Confess this, is not of God
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which YOU have heard
Was coming, and is now already in the World, thoughts answered
For YOU are of God, Believers, and have overcome the World
Because He who’s in YOU is Greater, than he who’s in the World
They are of the World, speak as of the World, and the World listens
We are of God, and Believers who know God, hear Us and listens
He, who is not of God, does not hear Us, and by this We know
The Spirit of Truth, from the spirit of error, now YOU know
For many deceivers have gone out into the World, YOU see
Who don’t Confess Jesus Christ, as Coming in The Flesh, so flee
This is a deceiver, an antichrist, someone to ignore
Therefore, look to yourselves, that We do not lose things, We worked for
That We may receive a Full Reward, as Believers in Christ
Whoever sins and does not Abide in The Doctrine of Christ
He does not have God, He who Abides in The Doctrine of Christ
Has both The Father and The Son of God, which is Jesus Christ
Now, if anyone comes to YOU, and does not bring this Doctrine
Don’t receive him, into your house, nor greet him or his doctrine
For he who greets him, shares in his evil deeds, that’s God’s Answer
We must Test All Spirits, Teachers, Church Leaders, We encounter
We should study Our Fellow Believers, to see where they stand
They must spread The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, throughout All the Land
For false prophets, false teachers, the spirit of the Antichrist
They All teach against God Almighty and The Doctrine of Christ
To lead people astray, for the Antichrist, and for Satan
And to misdirect them, away from The Father, and The Son
Fellow Believers, these Bible Scriptures, ring out loud today
Listen carefully to God’s Words, please note what God has to say
Jesus Christ Abides in YOU, through The Holy Spirit, it’s true
To know where each person stands, with God, is what We must pursue

Sunday, June 28, 2015

We, Believers, Do Well To Remember

Fellow Believers, in God Almighty and The Lord Jesus Christ, I write this as a reminder to each of YOU.  We are Jesus’ Light upon the World, which means not only do We represent Jesus, but also God Almighty.  Both God Almighty and Jesus Christ, want Us to remember, to always show Love, in all that We do.  We are to make it clear, that We do not condone any sin, which includes Our own.  We are to make it clear, that We do not judge anyone, regarding the sin(s) they commit.  We are to make it clear, that people should realize their sin, Repent (turn away) and commit that sin no more.  As Our Lord Jesus Christ was fond of doing, by saying, Repent, now go and sin no more.  We are to remind people, that both God Almighty and Jesus Christ, hate the sin, but Love each sinner, just as We also, Love each sinner.  The key word here is Love, God Almighty Loves each of Us, and Jesus Christ Loves each of Us, as well.  We know about God Almighty’s Commandments and Statutes, and that We should strive to uphold them all.  We also know, unfortunately, All of Us will break many of them, an accepted probability.  So, what is the actual difference between a Believer and a Yet-To-Be-Believer or Unbeliever, YOU ask, since All of Us sin.  The answer is, Believers are aware of God’s Amazing Saving Grace, which can be found in God’s Free Gift of Salvation.  So, by accepting His Gift, We will be Forgiven for the sins We commit, and they will be forgotten, i.e. they will not be held against Us.  There is a penalty that must be paid, for committing sin, any sin, and it was paid in full, by The Blood of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus Christ died upon The Cross, He died Once for All, meaning He paid the debt in full, for All of Mankind’s sin.  Which means Our debt was paid, before We were ever even born.  However, in order for Us to be Forgiven for Our sins, by God Almighty, We must accept His Free Gift of Salvation, i.e. We must Believe, have Faith, that all of this did occur, that Jesus Christ did in fact, die on The Cross, for Our sins.  This is a choice, but one We must make, in order for Our sins to be Forgiven and forgotten, by God Almighty, and have the opportunity to be in God’s Immediate Presence, have Everlasting Life, in The Kingdom of God Almighty.  Now, by accepting God’s Free Gift of Salvation, We, just as importantly, welcome The Lord Jesus Christ into Our heart.  Jesus Christ comes to abide within Us, and We in turn abide in Him, too.  Also, God Almighty starts to mold and change Us, from the inside out, to be more like Him, and less like the rest of Us.  By having Jesus abide within Us, and God changing Us, We will desire to distance Ourselves from sin, with Their help.  After all, with Jesus watching everything We do, with Him walking by Our side, We should be ashamed to sin, huh.  We, Believers, are not better than anyone else, because We All sin, including me, even after We accept Jesus Christ, as Our Lord and Savior, the difference is, by Our choice, Our sins will be Forgiven and forgotten, and We will have Everlasting Life, in God’s Immediate Presence, with Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, in The Kingdom of God.  This is the yearning and desire, which God Almighty, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, and All Believers have for All Yet-To-Be-Believers and Unbelievers, which is why We want to share with YOU, about God’s Amazing Saving Grace, through God’s Free Gift of Salvation.  Let Us stay grounded, in humility, to Give God The Glory, for All He does for Us, and All He does through Us, Always!