Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cut To The Quick

“Therefore, let All The House of Israel know assuredly, that God has made this Jesus, whom YOU Crucified, both Lord and Christ.”  Now, when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and The Rest of The Apostles, “Men and Brethren, what shall We do?”  Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of YOU be Baptized in The Name of Jesus Christ, for The Remission of sins; and YOU shall Receive The Gift of The Holy Spirit.  For The Promise is to YOU and to your children, and to All who are afar off, as many as The Lord, Our God, will Call.”

YOU have acknowledged God’s Amazing Saving Grace and YOU have accepted God’s Free Gift of Salvation, thereby becoming, One of The Children of God Almighty.  That’s great, that’s what I Love to hear.  Now, I’m going to put YOU on the spot, so to speak.  What are YOU doing, right now, this instant, for The Kingdom of God Almighty?  Are YOU spending your Earthly Time wisely?  Meaning, are YOU using your time and effort, to share, to Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ, with anyone, Who has Ears to hear and Eyes to see?  For this is true, Spiritual Lives lie in the balance!  Every moment, a person’s mortal Life ends and his/her Eternal Life begins.  Question, where will that person spend his/her Eternal Life?  Will he/she spend Eternity, in God’s Immediate Presence, or will he/she spend Eternity, away from God’s Immediate Presence, meaning, Forever separated from God Almighty?  Which sounds very heavy, very deep, something to really ponder, huh.  Well, YOU have a hand in this choice, and I’m NOT talking about your own choice, on this matter, but each and every single person YOU encounter, after YOU have become a Believer, in Jesus Christ.  YOU are to share, to Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ, to All, Who have Ears to hear and Eyes to see!

Will YOU know, which ones, have Ears to hear and Eyes to see, unfortunately, no, ONLY God Almighty and Jesus Christ know.  So, this means YOU must treat every single person, YOU encounter, the same, as though he/she does have Ears to hear and eyes to see.  YOU are to share, to Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and IF he/she has Ears to hear and Eyes to see, he/she will listen to YOU.  Does this mean every single person, YOU encounter, will want to listen, to what YOU wish to share with him/her, unfortunately, no.  And this even includes people, who have Ears to hear and Eyes to see.  This also means, your attempts to share, will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes, please, do NOT take it personally, and do NOT be discouraged.  Many times, YOU will be stopped, before YOU even start, please, do NOT take it personally, and do NOT be discouraged.  Remember, sometimes We plant The Seed, and someone else reaps The Harvest.  Hey, all We care about, is the person accepts God’s Free Gift of Salvation, that’s the most important thing, that’s everything!

Are YOU doing your part, to share, to Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Do YOU look at each person, YOU encounter, and wonder, has he/she accepted Jesus Christ, as his/her personal Lord and Savior?  If YOU do wonder, if he/she has accepted Jesus Christ, that’s great, then the next question is, what do YOU do about it?  Do YOU think about sharing, about Preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ with him/her?  Well, if YOU do NOT wonder, if he/she has accepted Jesus Christ, why NOT?  These are questions, for YOU to ponder, to think about, and hopefully pray about.  This is simply, a friendly reminder, from a Fellow Believer.

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